About US

FinGMice, the national technology platform for generation, analysis and archiving of animal models is a consortium composed of six nodes that have jointly developed their services in Finland. Transgenic core facilities provide services in generating GM animal models for a large nationwide and international research community. In phenotyping, services ranging from semi-automatic processing of tissues to specialist consultations and long-term behavioral tests requiring high-level expertise are provided by several FinGMice nodes.

Generation and archiving of GM animal models 

TG units in Oulu, Helsinki and Turku provide services in generation and archiving of GM mouse and rat models.

Tissue pathology

Basic services in histopathology are available in all host universities.

Behavioral phenotyping

Neurophenotyping Centers in Helsinki and Kuopio are specialized for behavioral, neuropharmacological, and other central nervous system-linked examinations.

Mouse model phenotyping

Turku Center of Disease Modeling provides expertise in the areas of bone biology, cardiovascular, intestinal and thyroid diseases, obesity, oncology, neuroendocrinology and reproduction.


Besides the above mentioned essential core services available in all units, each node has a specific service profile.

Contact us

You can find detailed contact information on the unit pages.