Generation and archiving of GM animal models



Service BCO-TG, Oulu GM-unit, Helsinki TCDM, Turku
Generation of gene modified mouse lines with CRISPR-Cas9  x  x  x
Generation of transgenic mouse lines by DNA injection  x  x  x
Generation of knock-out/knock-in mouse lines using ES cell targeting  x  x  x
Rat genome editing (CRISPR/Cas)    x  
Cryopreservation of GM lines (sperm and embryos)  M  M, R
 (R embryos)
Recovery of mouse lines by IVF or embryo transfer  x  x  x
Shipping and importing GM lines#  x  x  x
Rederivation of contaminated GM lines by embryo transfer  M  M, R  M
GM colony management  M  M, R  M
Cell (embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells,
mouse feeder cells, cancer cell lines) culture services
 x  x  x

M=mouse, R=rat
#GM units assist or handle the shipments and import of frozen material. Import and shipment of live mice is organized together with the local laboratory animal centres.